Goetia Demon Invocation

(1 customer review)


I can cast any of the 72 Goetic demons for your goals and approval. They will follow the course laid down in your *intention* when I first cast the spell, and infuse your life with their wisdom and energy to achieve your goals.

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I can cast any of the 72 Goetic demons for your goals and approval. They will follow the course laid down in your *intention* when I first cast the spell, and infuse your life with their wisdom and energy to achieve your goals.

The Goetia has demons for love, learning science and arts, to find and grant familiars, wealth and inheritance, and much more. Email me if you are unsure what demon you want to work with: [email protected]



1 review for Goetia Demon Invocation

  1. Franchesca

    MY favorite thing to order from Izabael is her Goetic spirit summonings.
    My fascination often gravitates towards a few select demons whose stories and attributes captivate me the most. Izabael first invoked Paimon for me, the ninth spirit in the Ars Goetia. Paimon is often depicted as a regal figure, riding a dromedary and heralded by a grand entourage of musicians. His dominion over knowledge, arts, and sciences makes him particularly intriguing. I admire the way he’s described as eloquent and persuasive, able to reveal hidden treasures of wisdom and teach the mysteries of the universe. The allure of Paimon lies in his ability to bestow profound knowledge and his dignified, almost kingly, presence that commands respect.

    Another favorite of mine is Belial, the sixty-eighth demon, who is considered one of the most powerful and cunning spirits. Belial is said to be created next after Lucifer, and his lore is steeped in tales of grandeur and ambition. What I find fascinating about Belial is his role in granting senatorships and other high honors, signifying his influence over human affairs and societal structures. His ability to provide favor from friends and foes alike makes him a figure of immense power and strategy. The duality of his nature, as both a provider of great gifts and a manipulator of ambitions, captures the complexity and depth that the Goetia demons embody.

    Lastly, I am particularly drawn to Buer, the tenth spirit, who is often portrayed as a centaur-like creature with five legs radiating from a central point. Buer is known for his abilities in healing and moral philosophy, making him a benevolent force among the Goetia demons. His healing powers extend to curing diseases and ailments, while his teachings on natural and moral philosophy offer profound insights into the human condition. The image of Buer, with his unique form and his emphasis on healing and wisdom, represents a balance between physical and intellectual prowess that is both fascinating and inspiring.

    These demons from the Goetia resonate with me not because of their dark connotations but because of the complex, multifaceted roles they play. Izabael’s powerful evocations are both wonderful and terrifying.

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